We believe that vines, growing restricted volumes of grapes is essential for achieving great wines, therefore we target to limit the volume of grapes in 1-1,5 kg per vine. We adapt the pruning works accordingly. This extreme restrictive approach results the first hand in very healthy fruit at harvest and on the second hand a strong expression of the vine sort, the specifics of the soil, weather – what the French calls the “terroir”.
Since 2008 we have planted various vine sorts:
In 2008 Welschriesling on 0,45 ha
(Geo ϕ: 46°42’09,99″N ; Geo λ: 17°20’56,39″ E)
In 2010 Chardonnay, Sauvignon blanc and Pinot gris on 1 ha
(Geo ϕ: 46°42’16,42″N ; Geo λ: 17°20’37,47″ E)
In 2012 Sauvignon blanc on 0,85 ha
(Geo ϕ: 46°42’10,46″N ; Geo λ: 17°20’51,15″ E)
The driving force behind Frédérique Winehouse are Marina Vanhout and Gyorgy Czanik, married more than 20 years, both having very different – than wines – professional backgrounds. Marina is a school director, Gyorgy is a lawyer, freelance advisor in multinational Human Resources – but they have a common passion for wines and a shared value for un-compromised quality in all what they do.
Growing vines started as a hobby, which has grown in the last couple of years to this small project.
Marina brings into this project her vine-growing & wine making knowledge, which she gained during a 2 years long specific education at Syntra in Hasselt (Belgium), while Gyorgy contributes with his 14 years work experience in the beverage industry and 25 years of management and administration expertise in multinational business.
We discover Hungarian wines which express the unique terroir, where they are grown and reflect the 2000 years tradition of local winemaking. We focus on small vineries with very specific expression. We introduce these wines – via multi-sensing experiences – to the “Belgian & Dutch -Burgundies”.
Our approach to wine-distribution results in:
- responsible alcohol consumption;
- satisfied customers;
- opportunities for meaningful and rewarding work for all contributing in our project;
- ecologically sustainable agriculture.
Currently we focus only on the distribution of the wines we produce from our vineyard. Later – if customers are interested – we will introduce the wines of fellow winemakers who share our vision.
The daily operation of the vineyard is organized with the coordinated support of various external professional partners:
Tibor Hargitai & Balázs Nyers – vineyard maintenance
Zsolt Szabó (Bormanufaktúra Kft.) – Bsc Viticulture and Enology Engineer , advice and maintenance of the vineyards
Alain Rousse (Bazaltbor-Badacsony Kft) – Master in Oenology – winemaking
Márton Horváth and his wife Erzsébet – excise and ecotax administration